Oct 7, 2009

Jimenez is Killing It

7:10 PM

I am one of the fallen.

Since Whedon/Cassaday's run on Astonishing, I have only been picking up the X-books (Uncanny & Astonishing) with the hopes of one of the titles bringing the excitement back.  Between Bianchi's crappy framing (who I heart as a cover artist) and Matt Fraction's wannabe League of Extraordinaire X-Club, I have since canceled both titles from my saver-list.

Enter Phil Jimenez (Robin, Wonderwoman, Infinite Crisis).

After reading issue 31 through, I am positively optimistic that it was more of a poor translation of Warren Ellis by Bianchi, than actually being just shitty writing.  The complex layering between three different story arcs was refreshing and didn't distract from the intimate, high-octane save of Hank's new squeeze.

Thank you Phil and keep on SNIKT'n!

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