Jul 23, 2010

SDCC 2010, Ch. 5 - Enter Angelina Jolie

10:05 PM

It's a rarity for me to get all movie star-struck. Looks as if pig's were flying on this day. I blame it all on the radiance and charm of Angelina Jolie. Angie was here on the first full day of SDCC '10 to promote her new movie, Salt. This action thriller, directed by Phillip Noyce and also starring Liev Schreiber, is about Evelyn Salt, a CIA officer accused of being a Russian Spy. She then proceeds to go on the run, using her years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture and prove her innocence. A sexy, female Jason Bourne comes to mind.

I was absolutely mesmerized by her undeniable beauty. Matched by her pretty aesthetics is her cordial persona, as she answered all audience questions with charisma & allure. She seems the type that is genuinely appreciative of her fans. Even though I was about 50 yards away from her, I was quite smitten. Here's a short video example of why I had my one moment of movie star giddiness (excuse the quality).

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