Mar 22, 2010

Ticklin' Spines - 3/24/2010

9:40 PM

Title - Writer/Artist / V-variant cover (artist)

Deadpool #21 - Daniel Way / Paco Medina (cover - Jason Pearson)

Green Lantern #52 - Geoff Johns / Doug Mahnke & Christian Alamy / V (Shane Davis & Sandra Hope)

The Marvels Project #7 - Ed Brubaker / Steve Epting (cover - Steve McNiven) / V (Gerald Parel)

Nemisis #1 - Mark Millar / Steve McNiven / V (Yu)

Secret Warriors #14 - Jonathan Hickman / Stefano Caselli (cover - Jim Cheung)

Uncanny X-Men #522 - Matt Fraction / Whilce Poratcio (cover - Terry Dodson) / V (TBA)

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