Jan 8, 2010
Tags | chessie, comic book artist, Ivan Reis, J. H. Williams III, Jerome Opena, Patrick Gleason, Roberto De La Torre, Salvador Larroca, They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah, Tony Daniel
They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah:December
1:52 PM
These artists provided me gifts of a visual nature under my X-Mas tree. My 7 top artists for the last month of 2009.
7. Tony Daniel / Batman #694

Pulling off double duty as scribe & artist, Daniel's cover & last panel of the Dark Knight were what made him one of the top artists of December.
6. Salvador Larroca / Invincible Iron Man #21
I'm elated that this Spaniard is on for the next-arc of the not-so-Invincible Tin-Man. I hope he plays a big role in the Thor-Cap-Iron Man koom-ba-ya reconnection.
5. Jerome Opena / Vengence of the Moon Knight #4

The Fist of Khonshu is often overlooked. Opena's beautiful work, along with Gregg Hurwitz's writing, will make Moon Knight hard to ignore. Wake up to the moon please.
4. Patrick Gleason / Green Lantern Corps #43

Guy Gardner goes completely ape-sh*t when his bosom buddy, Kyle Rayner, dies (temporarily). Gleason does a gorgeous job of capturing Guy's rage. Quick Kyle, give your friend a bro-mantic hug.
3. Roberto De La Torre / Daredevil #503
Double D's - De La Torre & Diggle - are an awesome creative duo for Marvel's best title.
2. Ivan Reis / Blackest Night #6

Reis does an absolute magnificent job in his rendition of the new Guardians of the Universe. I'm looking forward to the climax of this excellent story arc.
1. JH Williams III / Detective Comics #860

There's a reason why JHW III is towards the top every month. Don't speak, just look. Nuff' said.
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7. Tony Daniel / Batman #694

Pulling off double duty as scribe & artist, Daniel's cover & last panel of the Dark Knight were what made him one of the top artists of December.
6. Salvador Larroca / Invincible Iron Man #21

5. Jerome Opena / Vengence of the Moon Knight #4

The Fist of Khonshu is often overlooked. Opena's beautiful work, along with Gregg Hurwitz's writing, will make Moon Knight hard to ignore. Wake up to the moon please.
4. Patrick Gleason / Green Lantern Corps #43

Guy Gardner goes completely ape-sh*t when his bosom buddy, Kyle Rayner, dies (temporarily). Gleason does a gorgeous job of capturing Guy's rage. Quick Kyle, give your friend a bro-mantic hug.
3. Roberto De La Torre / Daredevil #503

Double D's - De La Torre & Diggle - are an awesome creative duo for Marvel's best title.
2. Ivan Reis / Blackest Night #6

Reis does an absolute magnificent job in his rendition of the new Guardians of the Universe. I'm looking forward to the climax of this excellent story arc.
1. JH Williams III / Detective Comics #860

There's a reason why JHW III is towards the top every month. Don't speak, just look. Nuff' said.
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