Jul 24, 2011

SDCC 2011: Adult Swim x Kid Koala

5:46 PM

Last year I got to enjoy some mighty fine afterparty entertainment in the name of that other cool SF guy in glasses Mike Relm.  This year came by way of another cool slanty-eyed kid but a product of Montreal, Kid Koala.

The last time I heard his shiz was back
on Deltron 3030 and I knew he had some kind of furry-fetish.  We were not let down one bit from this strong, lil turntable phenom.

From start to finish he was all energy, jumping from table to table with real vinyl in hand-- yes, much respect to the real DJs out there.  As you can see Kid Koala is one funky beatminer.

Props to Adult Swim for bringing him out to get us all sweaty and cut this mutha up.

This post was written by:
big O
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