May 15, 2010
Tags | Andy Clarke, Arthur Adams, Carlos Pacheco, chessie, comicbooks, Doug Mahnke, Francis Manapul, Gary Frank, Leinel Yu, Mike Choi, Sonia Oback, They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah
They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah:April 2010
9:58 PM
April was by far the best month of comic book art so far this year. I got showered with so much titillating eye candy, it was hard to pick my top 7 artists - so I was forced to add a plus one.

7. Francis Manapul / The Flash #1
The Filipino-Canadian artist re-enters as one of artist of the month with his rendition of the Scarlett Speedster. The Manapul & Johns team-up always seem to be in perfect creative synchronicity.

6. Doug Mahnke / Green Lantern #53
Mahnke continues his splendid work from the Blackest Night to the Brightest Day story-arc. If I had any say in the matter, he would be the only one to be allowed to draw one of my favorite characters, Larfleeze.
Leinil Yu

Carlos Pacheco

5. Leinel Yu / Ultimate Avengers 2 #1 & Carlos Pacheco / Ultimate Avengers #6
They be so nice they had Ultimate team's of the same name twice. I'm not sure about y'all but the naming of these 2 books left me in a state of confusion. Nevertheless, Marvel could of named the books "Pretty Picture Avengers" & "Pretty Picture Avengers 2" and I still would have picked up these books with the gorgeously graphic art of Yu & Pacheco and there respective Ultimate books.

4. Gary Frank / Superman: Secret Origin #5
This Brit artist magnificently captures The Man of Steel from the Richard Donner/Christopher Reeve movies.

3. Arthur Adams / Ultimate X #2
Adams is notorious for taking a long time to finish between issues. Take as much time as you need please. Good things come to those who wait. Damn skippy it does.

2. Andy Clarke / Batman and Robin #11
I was sad when Frank Quitley took a hiatus in doing the interiors and became strictly a cover artist for this book. Clarke's divine work on the Caped Crusade and the Boy Wonder has made me miss him a lot less.

1. Mike Choi & Sonia Oback / X-Force #26
Figuratively speaking based on absolutely beautiful artwork, I would wine & dine Choi but would have mad-raunchy monkey-sex with Oback. Oback takes Choi's pencils and makes the art jump out of the page with her elaborate use of colors and shading. Moreover, this creative duo perfectly capture the drama and emotion from the excellent writing team of Craig Kyle & Chris Yost. Though one of my favorite X-characters met his apparent demise (I got a little lump in my throat when seeing Wolverine's reaction), this book is easily one of the best issues of 2010.
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7. Francis Manapul / The Flash #1
The Filipino-Canadian artist re-enters as one of artist of the month with his rendition of the Scarlett Speedster. The Manapul & Johns team-up always seem to be in perfect creative synchronicity.

6. Doug Mahnke / Green Lantern #53
Mahnke continues his splendid work from the Blackest Night to the Brightest Day story-arc. If I had any say in the matter, he would be the only one to be allowed to draw one of my favorite characters, Larfleeze.
Leinil Yu

Carlos Pacheco

5. Leinel Yu / Ultimate Avengers 2 #1 & Carlos Pacheco / Ultimate Avengers #6
They be so nice they had Ultimate team's of the same name twice. I'm not sure about y'all but the naming of these 2 books left me in a state of confusion. Nevertheless, Marvel could of named the books "Pretty Picture Avengers" & "Pretty Picture Avengers 2" and I still would have picked up these books with the gorgeously graphic art of Yu & Pacheco and there respective Ultimate books.

4. Gary Frank / Superman: Secret Origin #5
This Brit artist magnificently captures The Man of Steel from the Richard Donner/Christopher Reeve movies.

3. Arthur Adams / Ultimate X #2
Adams is notorious for taking a long time to finish between issues. Take as much time as you need please. Good things come to those who wait. Damn skippy it does.

2. Andy Clarke / Batman and Robin #11
I was sad when Frank Quitley took a hiatus in doing the interiors and became strictly a cover artist for this book. Clarke's divine work on the Caped Crusade and the Boy Wonder has made me miss him a lot less.

1. Mike Choi & Sonia Oback / X-Force #26
Figuratively speaking based on absolutely beautiful artwork, I would wine & dine Choi but would have mad-raunchy monkey-sex with Oback. Oback takes Choi's pencils and makes the art jump out of the page with her elaborate use of colors and shading. Moreover, this creative duo perfectly capture the drama and emotion from the excellent writing team of Craig Kyle & Chris Yost. Though one of my favorite X-characters met his apparent demise (I got a little lump in my throat when seeing Wolverine's reaction), this book is easily one of the best issues of 2010.
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