Aug 25, 2009
Tags | comicbooks, Daken, Frank Quitely, Grant Morrison, green lantern, X-Force
Ticklin' Spines - 8/26/09
9:30 AM

My comic book pull list for this week: Title/Writer/Artist/V(variant cover)/artist
Batman & Robin #3: Grant Morrison / Frank Quitely
Batman:Widening Gyre #1(of 6): Kevin Smith / Walter Flanagan / V (Bill Sienkiewicz)
Blackest Night:Titans #1(of 3): J.T. Krul / Ed Benes / V (Brian Haberlin)
Dark Avengers #8: Matt Fraction / Luke Ross / V,2 (Simone Bianchi & Mike Deodato/70th frame)
Dark Wolverine #77: Marjorlie Liu & Daniel Way / Giuseppe Camuncoli / V,2 (Rafa Sandoval, Stephen Sagovia/70th frame)
Dark X-Men #3(of 3): Paul Cornell & Jason Aaron / Humberto Ramos & JOCK
Deadpool #14: Daniel Way / Shawn Crystal
The Flash:Rebirth #4: Geoff Johns / Ethan Van Schiver / V (Van Schiver)
Green Lantern #45: Geoff Johns / Doug Mahnke / V (Francis Manapul)
Ms. Marvel #44: Brian Reed / Sana Takeda
X-Force: #18: Christopher Yost & Craig Kyle / Mike Choi & Sonia Oback
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