Mar 11, 2010

WTF moment of the week- Secret Six

9:45 PM

I know that it feels like Team Simone / Scott / Luvisi / Califiore always be making my Whoa Thats Fresh! moment of the week but come on...what can I say?!  Beautifully demanding covers to make you grab off the shelf, serious slap-stick meshed with some real emotional grit and panel after damn panel that makes you want to read the book L to R --> then R to L for both sides of the continents.

The unlikely, deranged, misshapen hero- Ragdoll-- comes thru all clutch taking out a cult of nastees with the help of a nicely, wet-works garbed unit of the SS-- with yes, a damsel- sure an emo-damsel in Black Alice all appreciative for the save.

Woulda been a nice hipster-touch to have some butt-crack showin, not a perv just sayin!

This post was written by:
big O
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